connected to LDAP host on port 389 binding... msgID=1 rc=97 rc2=0 Bind Successful searching... Total results are: 25 DN: cn=Leigh Roberts, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Katherine Roberts cn: Leigh Roberts mail: givenName: Leigh Katherine sn: Roberts uid: Leigh_Roberts DN: cn=Leigh Robertson, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Robertson mail: givenName: Leigh sn: Robertson uid: Leigh_Robertson DN: cn=Leigh Perry, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Perry cn: Leigh Perry mail: givenName: Leigh Ann sn: Perry uid: Leigh_Perry DN: cn=Leigh Tidwell, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Tidwell cn: Leigh Tidwell mail: givenName: Leigh Ann sn: Tidwell uid: Leigh_Tidwell DN: cn=Leigh Ann Marshall, ou="Engineering & Computer Science Dean's Office - Eng/Comp Sci", ou=Faculty and Staff, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Marshall cn: Leigh A. Marshall mail: givenName: Leigh Ann givenName: Leigh A. sn: Marshall uid: Leigh_Ann_Marshall DN: cn=Leigh Stanley, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Patrese Stanley cn: Leigh Stanley mail: givenName: Leigh Patrese sn: Stanley uid: Leigh_Stanley DN: cn=Leigh Goforth, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Tucker Goforth cn: Leigh Goforth mail: givenName: Leigh Tucker sn: Goforth uid: Leigh_Goforth DN: cn=Leigh Cunningham, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Erin Cunningham cn: Leigh Cunningham mail: givenName: Leigh Erin sn: Cunningham uid: Leigh_Cunningham DN: cn=Leigh Berry, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Berry cn: Leigh Berry mail: givenName: Leigh Ann sn: Berry uid: Leigh_Berry DN: cn=Leigh-Taylor Hester, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh-Taylor Hester mail: givenName: Leigh-Taylor sn: Hester uid: Leigh-Taylor_Hester DN: cn=Joseph White, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leighton White cn: Joseph Leighton White cn: Joseph White mail: givenName: Leighton givenName: Joseph Leighton sn: White uid: Joseph_White DN: cn=Leigh Livesay, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ellen Livesay cn: Leigh Livesay mail: givenName: Leigh Ellen sn: Livesay uid: Leigh_Livesay DN: cn=Leighanne King, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: LeighAnne K. Fischer cn: Leighanne King mail: givenName: LeighAnne K. sn: Fischer uid: Leighanne_King DN: cn=Leigh Janke, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Janke cn: Cathryn Leigh Janke mail: givenName: Leigh givenName: Cathryn Leigh sn: Janke uid: Leigh_Janke DN: cn=Leigh Prichard, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Prichard mail: givenName: Leigh sn: Prichard uid: Leigh_Prichard DN: cn=Holly Brown, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leighanne Holly Brown cn: Holly Brown mail: givenName: Leighanne Holly sn: Brown uid: Holly_Brown DN: cn=Leigh Symank, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Symank cn: Leigh Anne Symank mail: givenName: Leigh givenName: Leigh Anne sn: Symank uid: Leigh_Symank DN: cn=Leigh Bull, ou=Unknown Classification, ou=Student, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Bull cn: Leigh A Bull cn: Leigh Bull mail: givenName: Leigh Ann givenName: Leigh A sn: Bull uid: Leigh_Bull DN: cn=Leigh Craine, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Barksdale Craine cn: Leigh Craine mail: givenName: Leigh Barksdale sn: Craine uid: Leigh_Craine DN: cn=Leigh Mitchell, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Andra Mitchell cn: Leigh Mitchell mail: givenName: Leigh Andra sn: Mitchell uid: Leigh_Mitchell DN: cn=Leighanne Woodlee, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leighanne Alise Woodlee cn: Leighanne Woodlee mail: givenName: Leighanne Alise sn: Woodlee uid: Leighanne_Woodlee DN: cn=Niki Sutton, ou=Unknown Classification, ou=Student, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Niki Sutton cn: Leigh Nicole Sutton mail: givenName: Niki givenName: Leigh Nicole sn: Sutton uid: Niki_Sutton DN: cn=Leighanne Harper, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: LeighAnne Harper cn: Christa LeighAnne Harper mail: givenName: LeighAnne givenName: Christa LeighAnne sn: Harper uid: Leighanne_Harper DN: cn=Leigh Ann Moffett, ou=Safety Services - Fin&Adm, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh Ann Moffett cn: Leigh A. Moffett mail: givenName: Leigh Ann givenName: Leigh A. sn: Moffett uid: Leigh_Ann_Moffett DN: cn=Leigh-Ann Mulsow, ou=Other, ou=People, o=Baylor University, c=US cn: Leigh-Ann Mulsow mail: givenName: Leigh-Ann sn: Mulsow uid: Leigh-Ann_Mulsow Search success!